FBS turns 16
20% commission
Get a commission on every trade made by your sub-Partner’s clients.
1 sub-Partner to start
Begin with just one sub-Partner to start earning extra rewards.
24/7 withdrawals
Receive your earnings with regular daily payouts.
Open an FBS Partner account.
Earn commissions on all trades of your sub-partners’ clients.
Manage your daily payouts in the FBS Partner Area.
Grow your partner network as much as you want to maximize your earnings.
Access a range of tools and materials to effectively promote and educate.
Gain clients whose trading increases your income.
Receive dedicated support to help you grow and succeed.
Business without investment
The more clients trade, the more sub-Partners receive.
Full commission
Sub-Partners earn 100% on their clients’ trades.
Professional growth
Sub-Partners can become Partners by expanding the trading community.
It can be anything, including (but not limited to) knowledge, experience, motivation, support, and assistance in holding offline and online events. It’s all up to you.
Absolutely! If you notice a client with the potential to become a Partner who could later bring you even more profit through their activity, go for it!
People who know how Forex and financial markets work make the best Partners. They don’t have to be traders; they can have a wide client network instead. Your environment is an excellent place to start searching. Then, move on to specific communities.
FBS is a trustworthy and respectable broker with over 15 years of experience. It offers beneficial conditions for Partners and sub-Partners, including one of the market’s highest commissions and the ability to start earning with just one invited client. Other advantages include transparent transactions, daily payouts, and potentially unlimited income. For more, visit our FBS Partnership program.
It’s already available to you if you are a Partner. To attract sub-Partners, generate a new referral link in your Partner Area’s referral link section (Category -> Accounts, Page -> Invite a Partner). Share the link with potential Partners. Follow stats in Partner Area’s Report section.